Speech & Presentation
I was introduced to Mark when he came to our offices to promote his services in 2018 and I was very curious about how he might help me improve the way I presented to my team at our weekly meetings. I started to have speech and presentation lessons with him in the November of that year and more recently online and I can honestly say that it has been a most interesting personal journey for me. Not only has my confidence increased during weekly team meetings but I am also much calmer when I present in general and I have no doubt that employing the techniques Mark has taught me, have made the crucial difference. I would recommend Mark to anyone who needs help with a public presentation; he is extremely knowledgeable and calm and has a very easy and warm manner.
I thoroughly enjoy my weekly speech sessions with Mark. I have had a minor stutter/stammer from a young age which is particularly revealing when nervous or under pressure and the ideas and techniques he uses to help with this have worked really well. I never thought I would ever be able to stand up in front of a group of people to make a presentation but I headed up a client meeting last month and really concentrated on everything we do in our sessions and to my delight everything worked out. I realise that this is all still work in progress for me but I am seeing real measurable results after each session with Mark. Thank you so much for giving me the confidence to overcome my fear of speaking and presenting in meetings.